The cooperative

Terre Etruria, Farming Cooperative between producers, extends along the Etruscan Coast, starting from Pisa until to Grosseto. It pays particular attention to the production of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, where tradition meets innovation to offer a genuine, authentic and certified Toscano PGI oil, appreciates on the typical tuscan dishes.

This oil on each bite tells the story of those who have worked with passion and pride to product it and, at the same time, it lets taste the image of the land where it was born and matured. The olives of Terre Etruria derived only from the land of the cooperative producers and the cold pressing takes place in mills business.

The result is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil that ensures Quality and Personality, Passion and Commitment, needed to reach the certification and the guarantee by the Consortium for the Protection of extra virgin olive oil PGI. This authority, in more than 15 years of activity, with more than 11,000 members, was able to protect and promote the Tuscan extra virgin olive oil in Italy and abroad, certifying compliance with the product specification on all stages of processing extra virgin olive oil PGI, from harvesting and milling of olives and packaging of the product, which must necessarily take place within Tuscany.

This oil is also subject, in order to be certified, to chemical and sensory tests (taste by commissions paid by the Ministry of Agriculture) to check its compliance with the specification. That's how you get an excellence that was born and raised in Tuscany, an Extra Virgin Olive Oil PGI guaranteed by consortium.

Antico Borgo

Antico Borgo is a brand of Terre dell'Etruria, a product range that revolves around Tuscany, the places and the men it stands for.

We make our Tuscan extra-virgin olive oil from olives picked and ground in Tuscany, through a careful selection of the best oils brought by the coop members, based on the results of the best oils brought by the coop members, based on the results of the chemical and organoleptic tests the oil undergoes once the olives have been ground.

Additional documental and organoleptic tests are conducted on the product by Consorzio per la tutela dell'Olio Extravergine di oliva Toscano IGP, (protection geographical indication consortium) as a further guarantee of the origin of the oil and its compliance with production specifications.

Located right in the heart of Italy,
Tuscany stands out its diversity
and for its natural and cultural sights.
From the wild coasts of Maremma
to the mild hills of Siena and Chianti
through to the charming islands of the Tuscan archipelago.

Arachidi caramellate

Peperone Giallo al Kg

Cetrioli al Kg

Cetrioli lunghi al Kg

Zuppa toscana

Fagioli Rossi

Fagioli Cannellini

Lenticchie verdi

SAPORE D'AUTUNNO, Olio Extravergine di oliva Italiano - 3 L

SAPORE D'AUTUNNO, olio extravergine di oliva Italiano 75 cl

SAPORE D'AUTUNNO, Olio Extravergine di oliva Italiano - 5 L

BIO - Olio evo aromatizzato all'AGLIO

Peperoni Insaporiti

Salsa Maremmana

BIO - Salsa Pomodoro e Ricotta

BIO - Succo di pomodoro

BIO - FUSILLI, pasta di semola di grano duro

TAGLIOLINI ALL'UOVO, pasta laminata al bronzo

CURVE, pasta di semola di grano duro

BIO - RIGATONI, pasta di semola di grano duro

Formaggio Imperatore Rosso Semistagionato - San Martino

Formaggio Crema di pecorino 125 g - Manciano

Formaggio Pecorino DOP stagionato - Manciano

Formaggio Il Maremmano stagionato - Podere Paterno

IL PODERONE - Brumoso, vermentino frizzante

SANGIOVESE, rosso IGT Toscana

IL PODERONE - Ugolino, Bolgheri Rosso DOC

Vino Bianco, Bag in box 5 litri

Carciofi - Zero Residui

Capocollo in tranci - Boggi

MERLOT, rosso IGT Toscana

Formaggio Pascoli di Maremma Semistagionato- Podere Paterno

Salsiccia fresca di suino in confezione - Boggi

Lombetto a tranci sotto vuoto - Boggi

Salamella piccante - Boggi

Prosciutto di suino sotto vuoto - Boggi

BIO - Confettura di peperoncino piccante

BIO - Confettura Extra di More

BIO - Confettura Extra di Albicocche

BIO - Confettura Extra di Fichi

Cantucci alla Mandorla

Canestrelli Farro e Mais


Brutti e Buoni

Farina Grano Tenero Tipo 1 - 1 kg

BIO - Farina di Semola di Grano Duro Senatore Cappelli - 1 kg

Farina Integrale di Grano Tenero - 1 kg

BIO - Farina di Semola di Grano Duro Senatore Cappelli - 1 kg